Tuesday, April 6, 2021

July 10th (2020)


10th July

Day 118

I slept at 8pm. Yes, I was that tired. Then I awoke at 1am and slept around 2am after finishing reading a novel, and getting up about 8am.

This morning I wrote a little for my story 'Love in the Time of Covid'. I'm not certain if this is a short story or not. Obviously it's based on my diary writing these past 118 days. 

Then some preparation for tonight's 'Project'. It’s about Flash fiction, and helping the students learn how to edit their work down.

I went to Common Grounds for lunch. I had 'Creamy Chicken Breast' which was $6.50, and had a pleasant taste but was overpriced for the size of the meal. For that price Jungle Burger would give me twice as much, and a free beer. At the Psar Cha Restaurant I could have had at least two full sized dishes. A mixed fruit drink at Common grounds cost me $2.50, elsewhere it's $1. I mustn't be so lazy to walk out in future, or buy and cook for myself. But I did need to get out after two days. Breakfast in Common Grounds is okay, but not lunch and they are closed for dinner.

I walked into Thai Huot Market (supermarket) after feeding myself at Common Grounds. It was the usual temperature check and hand sanitiser routine. I wandered the aisles, grabbed milk, water, some veggies etc. I had gone up one aisle and was just going down another to find mayonnaise when, surprise surprise, there was a half naked, tattooed, bald headed man approaching me. He had grabbed himself a beer bottle and was busy drinking the beer as he passed me. I heard a commotion behind me and he was gone. As I was having my goods checked at the counter, a security guard was holding an open bottle of beer gingerly in his hand, and gave it to the counter clerk who rang it up on the till, then she placed the bottle behind her, Just what was all that about?

Two, completely different, but similar, half naked men with bald heads rampaging in Siem Reap, my how times have changed, they must have got lost on the way to the Costa Brava. 

Dinner was home made chips and three fried eggs with salad. Soon I have to go and wash the oil off the pan.

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