Tuesday, April 6, 2021

June 25th (2020)


June 25th
102 days here

I am up and showered etc. at 8am.

I am tempted to visit Common Grounds for some peace and quiet, but my wallet will not allow it. Instead I take breakfast of toast, butter and some new jam -strawberry and Lipton's Yellow tea, then plod across to Thai Huot Market to get some ingredients for lunch/dinner.

Today I am cooking Dal (yellow moong dal). These are small dal similar to those I had in Dhaka. I'm boiling them with Julianne ginger, garlic cloves, white onion, diced potato, diced carrot and cut tomato. For flavour I use dried bell pepper and dried long chilli, powdered turmeric, white pepper and a chicken cube. It's a 'fall back' dish, one that I have prepared countless times. Notice no meat again today. I am going back to how I was in England, meat once a week and no tea or coffee after 6pm. Over sixteen years in Malaysia (the world's food haven) I had strayed quite considerably, but this lifestyle suits my present pocket.

What do I do all day, I don't hear you ask. Sleep, get up la da da da la, send off daily diary missive, breakfast, go to supermarket buy necessary, cook, eat, wash dishes, read, write, sleep, awaken, write, have tea or coffee, have dinner which is frequently lunch warmed up, write, shower, wash dishes, read in bed, sleep. Mostly talk to no one unless I comment on my way in or out of the downstairs gallery.

It has become a solitary, lonely, life without physicality, without the human touch. It's what I imagine slow drowning is like.

I am re-editing my short RomCom story "Sugar and Spice", it's part of my series about the characters Sugar Khoo and Andrew Goodchild. This story is the "origin saga', about how they met and what happened after. I am hoping to publish these stories as a collection some day.

For dinner, dhal is taken cold with yogurt. I couldn't be bothered to heat it, and also realised that it would be tomorrow's lunch too. That's another meal taken care of. Facebook 'friend's' questioned me about my choice of recipe for this yellow moong dhal dish. One suggested 'tempering' or frying some ingredients, another suggested the addition of sugar, while yet another suggested fresh coriander. They are all very well meaning, however by the time I received this advice it was too late. The dish was made. But, perhaps, next time...

Today's spend
Thai Huot Market..Dasani Water; Tomatoes; Kitchen Scrubber; Peeled Garlic; Carrot; Onion; Potatoes and Milk Soft Bread…$7.50

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