Monday, April 5, 2021

May 13th (2020)


May 13th
I am awake at 5am.

At 7am I am about to go to the shower..

I leave Colors of Cambodia after having just a 'Red', walk through the alleys and around the back of the Pagoda, through more alleys, cross the road and am at the Old Market. I've come for an octopus. I thread my way through the aisles and stalls looking for the fish section, which I find and begin to search for octopi.

Only one stall has octopi, but they are very small, not what I had seen before, and not what I need for the meal that I am preparing for lunch. I have a quick mental change of plan. Okay, no large octopi so no boiled and cut octopus to grace the rice dish. But there are good sized squid, but no mussels.

In the end I buy three squids, three very large prawns, a split fish head with enough flesh, and a handful of cockles. Along another aisle I buy a chicken breast, some very fresh peas, tomatoes, garlic, white onion, straw mushrooms, turmeric root and, outside, rice.

Just on exiting the market, I see Sita, our old tuk tuk driver. I know that the lack of tourists means that he is having a hard time. I mentally note to get him to drive me back if he is there, later.

I've had no breakfast, so I seek out the small restaurant I usually have breakfast in. The server recognises me, I nod and within a few minutes she has brought me a coffee with milk, later she brings my usual breakfast of 3 eggs, more bacon than before and baguette with butter.

I finish, pay in Riel, find Sita, and have him transport me back to Colors of Cambodia and, now this is rare for me, give him a sizeable tip. Generally I don't believe in tipping but, as I said, times are hard.

I have to leave the market shopping at Colors of Cambodia and walk across to Thai Huot Market to do some general shopping, toothpaste etc. After shopping, there is cooking. The students help wash the necessary while I begin preparing. I'm getting used to the dark little under the stairs kitchen with the one gas burner, and have planned my sequence of actions to best utilize that stove.

After cutting, frying, boiling and shucking (of peas), the ingredients, herbs and spices are combined with the rice in the wok, with water, and cooking commences. Everything goes in at its allotted time and the dish cooks. It is an early lunch.

Dripping with sweat, my shirt soaked, I head for the shower, then take some lunch and a rest. It has been a busy morning.

Ever active in sports, poor Phanin has had a tumble from her mountain bike. Her arm is hurt, but luckily it is not broken. After a night's rest she is up and about with one wing bandaged, and still able to smile her cheeky smile.

I am repaid this evening, by Kosal leaving a metallic tray for my dinner, on the table in the front room. His Facebook PM message was ‘I kept dinner for u on the table.’  The food is so delicious too.

Today's spend is.  
Old Market….$15
Thai Huot Market...Dasani Watet, Sensodyne toothpaste, Globe Milk and Red pepper….$9.90

Total spend……$24.90

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