Tuesday, April 6, 2021

June 17th (2020)


June 17th
94 days here

One Day in the Life, not of Ivan Denisovich (Alexander Solzhenitsyn), but of Martin Anthony Bradley MA. an immovable farce.

And what a day. It has been full of ups and downs well, in truth, I await the ups.

This morning I awoke at 8am. Which is so late for me that I received a Facebook PM from she who paints, seeking if I was okay. I was and am, sort of. 

It took me a long time to wake up today. The reason, well I was reading until 1am. Yes I know that you would probably be more interested in a wild night of sex. But as the likelihood of that happening to me is somewhere between zero and minus, reading it is. So a late riser I was today, and this diary has had to wait until now (5.30pm) to be written.

I had asked dear, sweet Phany to inquire of her travel agent friend about my current status in Cambodia. She  got back to me this morning

That is when an already less than up day, took a nosedive.

I was directed to look at….

"Foreigners must register on the FPCS (Foreigners Present in Cambodia System) app with failure to do so resulting in visas not being extended after July 2020."

But  but, but didn't I ask about this when it was first muted, and didn't said travel agent say no it is not for me. But now it is for me. Good grief, and hairy bollocks with bells on.


Here I am trying, very hard, to be a good boy, not mentioning too many bad things about the country currently giving me succour, but now I have to find this app. And register.

Of course as I was seated in front of the iMac thingy, I learned that there was only an app. for iPhone, iPad and Android. Of course there is. My plump fingers find typing on this Samsung Android difficult to say the least. Now there I was having to download the FPCS app. and fill in personal details.

I survived that, but the app. asked me all sorts of questions about my address and I ran to Phany and Kosal, downstairs, in some distress. They helped me complete the various screens, but as there was no information as to whether this will, or will not help me extend my visa is anyone's guess as that information is missing, just as it is on the Cambodian Immigration website (coming soon).

Lunch/dinner was to be the vegetables and chicken livers that I bought yesterday, made into a soup. I had just finished cooking when I noticed my hand phone blinking blue at me. I thought it was just being saucey, but no, there was a message from Kosal..

"I kept ur lunch on the table"


And a very nice Khmer lunch it was too. I left the food that I had made, for dinner.

I repeat that the Khmer youth have been very kind to look after me, and share food with me too. If, young persons of Colors of Cambodia, you are reading this, a big arkoun (thank you) to you.

Today's Spend

Thai Huot Market….Dasani Water x2; Mitr  Phol Pure Sugar, Globemilk; BM Gelee Cassis; Milk Soft Bread and Nguan Soon Ginger Ground….$8.72
And so it rains…….

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