Tuesday, April 6, 2021

July 17th (2020)


17th July

Day 125

I got up at 8am this morning. I breakfasted on toast and butter with a mug of Lipton's Yellow tea, as I worked on the Blue Lotus magazine. There's still a lot to do, but it's getting there.

After two hours I took a rest, intending not to take lunch. I've been a little down recently. But it's nothing I can talk about publicly. I'm not a Charles Bukowski or even a Henry Miller, I don't have carte blanch to reveal the total innermost working of my sad mind.

Anyway, as I was saying before I rudely interrupted myself, I lay on the nicely cold bed, tossing and turning and by one o'clock was peckish. I dragged the conveniently brown towel over my hirsute niceness, and visited the hotel room sized fridge next door. No. I had already eaten the 50% discounted yogurts. Damn. So I dragged out the phallic carrot, onion, garlic, tomato and ginger then forced myself to make yellow dhal. By 2pm it was ready, and I ate. There was plenty for dinner and lunch tomorrow. It was good, no, seriously it was tasty. So no regrets.

I prepped for and facilitated the Friday 'Project' assisting distant students into the ways of short writing. It too was good but tiring.

A little more work on The Blue Lotus magazine and time to shower, drink cold milk and now after writing this I shall continue reading until sleep impregnates me with frustrating dreams. Ahh Dr Freud you would have been happy in your interpretation.

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