Tuesday, April 6, 2021

When is a Bagel not a Bagel


It is (finally) holiday time here in Cambodia. Whoopee. Or maybe not. The New Year holiday was deferred because of the pandemic, until now.

Being a humble Westerner, I cannot understand why, at a time when the hoi polloi are released from their daily grind, restaurants are shut. As a former shop owner, I was well aware that the best time to capture customers was when they were free to visit my establishment.

During holidays, people are freer to indulge in shopping and eating. But isn't it a wasted opportunity to close your doors at such a time.

Okay, I grumble because I had to divert my little legs from my intended destination and couldn't get my desired breakfast. Never mind, I had the above which masqueraded as a bagel, but someone forgot to boil it before cooking.

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