Tuesday, April 6, 2021

June 16th (2020)


June 16th
93 days here

I am awake st 4.45am

A lover asked his beloved, “Do you love yourself more than you love me?” Beloved replied, “I have died to myself and I live for you. I’ve disappeared from myself and my attributes, I am present only for you. I’ve forgotten all my learnings, but from knowing you I’ve become a scholar. I’ve lost all my strength, but from your power I am able. I love myself…I love you. I love you…I love myself.”


After four consecutive days of 'teaching' I am, as we say in Britain, 'knackered'. I slept early last night. Slept again just now at 6 something, and still feel tired today at 9.23 am.

It must be the rainy season as it now rains most days. There is a little flooding around town, but not too bad. However, there does seem to be quite a lot of soil subsidence along the pavements, sometimes making it difficult to walk.

Many pavements around town are laid with interlocking pavement blocks. Due to the rain, the sand under layer is being washed away causing the blocks to collapse into holes. At times the pavements are quite impassable. That is to say even more impassable than usual.

In Siem Reap, frequently cars, ranks of motorcycles, and hawkers will park on pavements, making walking there very difficult. Those stretches of pavements in front of cafes and restaurants tend to have tables and chairs on the pavement, as an extension of the business. Wheelchairs or people with walking aids are seldom seen.

Mind you, I think that there are few actual pedestrians here. Those people on foot are usually fresh out of, or off of a vehicle, or returning to one. It's mostly the few tourists who remain who can be seen on foot, when they are not in tuk tuks that is.

It's a little cooler now, because of the rain. But still hot compared to Blighty. I need to wear my faux homburg when walking out, otherwise my thinning hair is little protection from the sun.

I have a sudden craving for a Flat White and a cinnamon roll from Common Grounds. I need to go out anyway, for some meat for lunch. I have veg from yesterday's pack so I only need something meaty or seafood, and those marvellous mini-potatoes I find here. So, shower etc, then Common Grounds and wander up to a different 'market' to find something to cook for lunch. Exciting isn't it?

Ah! There is, however, a dilemma. Having paid effectively $30 for an electric pan I should not be swanning off to a cafe for breakfast when I have the ingredients here, in my faux jungle rectangle. So scrap Common Grounds for now. I will go marketing after breakfasting here. There. I am being responsible.

Instead I walk to Angkor Market. Fresh food is much cheaper there and can be bought in smaller quantities too. I buy pig's liver and chicken's livers and some odds and ends. Normally I would cook pig's liver braised, that is with a brown sauce, and eat with fried onions, mashed potatoes and peas.

As I only have one receptacle it's too complex to make that, so I settle for fried onions and garlic, and lightly fry the pig's liver then put in bean sprouts, white pepper and soy sauce. It's good enough, and the liver is perfectly cooked. If I actually lived here, and has enough funds, I would love to experiment more with the food here.

Today's spend

Angkor Market….Dasani Water; Bean Sprouts; Dutchie Mixed Fruit Yogurt x4 (special offer); Healthy Boy Black Soy Sauce; Maggi Thin Soy Sauce; Chicken Livers; Fresh Rice Noodle; Skinless Shallots and Pig's Liver

$10.94 + $1 for tuk tuk

Total Spend….$11.94

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