Monday, April 5, 2021

May 25th (2020)


May 25th
I am 71 days here

"Born under a bad sign
I've been down since I began to crawl
If it wasn't for bad luck
I wouldn't have no luck at all"
(Born under a bad sign, Cream, 1968)

Last night, about 1am, I finished the 4th Eve Dallas novel, now onto the 5th.

To say that today is a bad day would be an understatement. I'll spare the details, but suffice to say I do not feel valued. You can interject any and all meaning into that statement.

I walk the 11 minutes which Google Maps tells me should see me at my destination. That eleven minutes is half an hour. At eight thirty in the morning the sun is as hot as any midday sun. My poor shirt is, once more, drenched in sweat. I have my meeting and see a very nice, large bedroom, which does not comprise an apartment. An apartment is a suite of rooms forming one residence; a flat in other words. The absence of other rooms means that it is a bed-sitting room. I make my decision based on the lack of cooking facilities (which reside downstairs and not in the ‘apartment’), and walk to Hawaiipizza House for a breakfast of eggs, bacon, tomato, hash-brown and baguette accompanied by fruit lassi. I knew of this place thanks to Phany and Phanin. They took me here before, and I remember just how cheap the breakfast is.

On the way back to my nesting place, I grab some provisions from Thai Huot Market. The newer, unsmiling, guard performs his function with the temperature gauge, sprays something on my hands and motions me inside the emporium.

Back at Colors of Cambodia I have to shower again. Then eat lunch of pot noodles and some dried seaweed.

This afternoon's class I devote to the idea of Contemporary Art, with a greater emphasis on Contemporary Art in Asia. We look at one museum in Bangkok and another in Hanoi and will continue this theme next week. The advanced students and I have a lively discussion about art, that and the realities of art production. It is lovely to have questions and be able to have the students thinking about their own work.

Pot noodles with plastic cheese squares and the remainder of the bean sprouts for dinner, ho hum. I swear that I shall never again eat pot bloody noodles after this trip. If there is an ‘after' to this trip, that is. At least I will get a proper meal tomorrow, with thanks to my friend restaurateur Fevrier and Georges Rhumerie - French Restaurant at Siem Reap. I am really thankful to certain people in Siem Reap who go out of their way to look after this poor stranded waif. I am invited to dine at one of the best restaurants here, with ( usually) delightful food, and amazing drinks (craft rum).

Today's spend
Hawaiipizza House….$4
Thai Huot Market (Myojo pot noodles x3; coca cola x3; Crispy Seaweed; Dasani Water x2 and Soft bread…..$7.80

Total spend….$11.80

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