Tuesday, April 6, 2021

July 26th (2020)


26th July

Day 134

02.30am I cannot sleep.

I tried to sleep at 11pm but awoke at 12.30am needing to pee. I have tried to sleep since, but I cannot. It’s very frustrating. I can't blame Saturday night revellers as there are none. The street and building are quiet, it's just me and my mind. I tried my usual techniques to sleep but sleep steadfastly refuses to come. My mind thinks of all kinds of unhelpful things. Ho hum.

I'll make some toast and tea and see what happens after that.

After reading until nearly 4am, I slept and have awoken at 8.52am.

I did a little work on my latest short story, and have made some big decisions about the story.

I had to go out to get water, I picked up some ingredients for my lunch - a half of chicken breast, some fresh rice noodles and bok choy for lunch and dinner. I had already told people at Colors of Cambodia that I don't feel strong enough to cook for everyone today, besides many of them are out sketching.

Fingers crossed that my tummy feels a little better, hence the two meals today. We shall see what happens.

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