Monday, April 5, 2021

May 29th (2020)


May 29th
75 days here

I am awake at 3.34am
I have no idea why.

There is no Friday Project today. It is a holiday in Malaysia.

Perhaps I can get on with The Blue Lotus magazine, as there is still a lot to do.

I read, then sleep, and re-awaken at 8.05am

I shower, take breakfast of a banana sandwich, using up the finally two slices of bread. and have a mug of “Red”.

The upstairs front room is hot. Even though it’s only 9.58am, it is 31 degrees Centigrade (88 degrees Fahrenheit). No wonder I’m sweating.

There is a short story forming itself in my head but, as yet, I cannot get the structure right. It would be too late for this year’s Bridport Prize, which is about a week away, but just maybe I can pull it together for next year. I have the feeling that this might even be a novel, but we shall wait and see. My daughter “A” has been a great help in this.

Like another Martin (Luther King) I have a dream. What, nearly 70 years old and still dreaming I hear you say. My dream is to return to England, to Norwich, and live out my days writing about England. But there is a great big bluebottle in the ointment. Money. Or, the lack thereof. Would I be able to gain any of the various writer’s grants, or sponsorships available so that I could live? There is so much competition for those. Still, it is something to work towards. Winning a prestigious prize would help. After yesterday’s news I am surprisingly positive, long may it last.

As I am working on The Blue Lotus magazine, I am brought a fish soup dish, with rice, for lunch. It is so kind of these young people.

I take an afternoon nap, and wake up thinking of the blackberry jam I bought. I get up, dress, go downstairs and talk to the students and am about to go out when I realise that I left my glasses upstairs. Back I trek, get my glasses, and go out to Thai Huot Market and buy bread and a couple of other things.

I have three slices of bread, butter and jam with a mug (I don't have a glass) of cold milk. Whoopee. Later, I will have pot noodles, bean sprouts and plastic cheese for dinner. People do say do not eat bananas at night. One site I visited suggested that "banana is a heavy fruit, it takes a long time to digest. If you want to eat it make sure you have it 2-3 hours before you hit the bed." Maybe that's why I had a restless night's sleep last night.

Having the evening off from my Friday 'Project', I decide not to bother the midi Mac next door, but read, write and think a little more in my small room. Thank you Colors of Cambodia and Phany for allowing me to stay and use your air-con (I will pay that bill as soon as I get back home).

I am not 100% happy with my 10 page design for Colors of Cambodia. One two page spread (the first) is fine. But I struggle with the other eight pages. I'll do some more visual research to see where I'm going wrong.

Today's spend
Thai Huot Market….Dasani Water; Globemilk whole Milk; Bean Sprouts,Kerrygold Irish Butter and Milk Soft Bread (which is the softest bread I can find in Siem Reap).


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