Tuesday, April 6, 2021

July 18th (2020)


18th July

Day 126

I was awake at 7.15am this morning.

I quickly showered etc as I had a support letter to write for an Indian artist and send off to her. I also needed to get on with The Blue Lotus magazine.

I had to go out quickly to Thai Huot Market to get some water and drinks for this evening's 'Project'. While there I indulged myself with Heinz Tomato Sauce. Simply the best. The other day I had also bought HP Sauce, now I'm ready for anything. I haven't been able to get OXO or Bisto though. I had to buy something called Gravox for beef favouring. There are not even beef cubes here.

Today is Saturday, which means younger children come to play at art. It gets noisy on Saturdays.

Luckily I did manage to have two hours working, and at this rate I hope to publish, finally, next week. Mind you, the electricity has just gone off, so no lunch, no air conditioning, no fan, no light, no computer etc etc etc. Marvellous.

The electricity was only off for half an hour. I was able to heat yesterday's dhal up for lunch. It was even better today with some plain yogurt. There's just enough cooked yellow dhal for tonight's dinner. Sadly I'm not able to make chappatis due to lack of equipment.

Whilst in the supermarket earlier I bought some booze. Yes, I know that it's bad for me to drink on my own, but I really feel the time has come to drown my sorrows. Brunty's Pear Cider it is then. But isn't 'pear cider' called 'Perry', then why call it pear cider? I'm confused, and I haven't even had a drink yet.

Just as I was starting the 'Project', in comes Kosal with a stainless steel tray loaded with Khmer dinner goodies. It was sent by my sweet guardian angel Sophanin. It was such a lovely gesture. I had no time to photograph but woofed it down, thoroughly enjoying the meal. Staying here does have occasional perks.

Class was exhausting today. I feel too drained even to drink alcohol, perhaps I will have it with lunch tomorrow. At this moment in time it would be so nice to be held and comforted. I really need someone to soothe my brow, someone to caress me, to hug me and make me feel wanted. But alas and alack it isn't to be.

Another moan. Why is it that I always fancy a large Flat White on a Sunday? The very day when many expat eateries are closed? Never mind I'll have two coffees with milk at Psar Cha tomorrow, on the way to getting the beef for lunch

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