Monday, April 5, 2021

May 15th (2020)


May 15th
I had a troubled night's sleep, and am tired today.

11.38 am
I lay on the bed writing this.

I have posted the daily nonsense on Facebook, and prepared for tonight's 'Project'. The special issue of The Blue Lotus magazine is slowly taking shape, with the kind assistance of various Asian artists.

This diary gets harder to write each day. Lethargy plucks at me, lulling me into not bothering. I have to fight this feeling daily now. Negativity abounds on social media, death rates are still soaring, the pandemic remains with us, countries' borders are closed and many people remain away from loved ones. Tomorrow I will have been in Siem Reap, Cambodia, for two calendar months, with no end in sight.

As I went out yesterday, I am staying in today, saving money. Tomorrow I might pass by Curry Walla and look at their lunch offer, on second thoughts I have nothing for breakfast. There is so much to think of every day, plan for.

Sunday I'd like to cook the Spaghetti Bolognese I couldn't cook last Sunday due to my card and lack of money problems. I think that I can cook Spaghetti in the wok after I have finished the ragu.

Despite my earlier praise for Google Docs. it turns out that the idea is  much better than the reality. The Android app. constantly crashes, interfering with my workflow. It really is quite difficult to write thus every day on my hand phone with Google Docs.

It is evening. I have, once more, eaten pot noodles for dinner. Ho hum. And to think that in Malaysia I would never touch the stuff. Needs must when the devil drives (old phrase, now an idiom from somewhere around the 1300s).

The Friday 'Project' went well. Nevertheless it was tiring, and I shall sleep early having not completed 500 words for this diary today.

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