Tuesday, April 6, 2021

July 2nd (2020)


Day 110
Sojourn : A reprise

Yes, I'm still here.

I had a complaint.

My eldest daughter in England complained that I had stopped journaling.

This is the unofficial journal beginning 4 days later from my previous 100+ days.

I have walked through the alleyways to Psa Chas Restaurant for breakfast but also because I need to exercise both my body and mind.

It's been a while since I have done this so it's about time.

The female manager says hello. She remembers my order.

"Soksabay" (hello) 


"Yes,  Awkuhn (thank you)"

The coffee with condensed milk comes first. It's a small cup.

Bacon. I have bacon whoopee.

It has always been the same. Bacon is a temptation even more than sex and as I cannot have the later, I have the former. Quite obviously this is not 1930s Paris and I am not Henry Miller.

A commotion outside as two traffic cops look for the owner of a double parked tuk tuk. No owner found, a summons is issued.

Kek loi (Bill please).($3.50)

Gelato Lab is open. Wow.

I have a  small paper cup of Cioccolato ($1.50) and a terribly expensive Flat White ($2.75) just because I want to sit romantically (alone) between the flora and shade. And because I visited the ATM yesterday. 

The three egg, bacon and baguette breakfast holds me over with no need for lunch. Dinner, ah dinner. Cheddar cheese sandwich with mayo. Do I dare put fresh ginger in there?

In the end I toast two cheese and mayo sandwiches in the square electric frying pan.

For the past few days I've been binge watching the old British TV series Morse. I'm enjoying the second season now. It doesn't seem to age.

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