Tuesday, April 6, 2021

June 3rd (2020)


June 3rd
80 days here

“My starter won't start this mornin'
Boy and my motor won't even turn
My starter won't start this mornin'
Boy and my motor won't even turn
You know I've been runnin' with a fast, trashy womens
Now they'll call my little car to ruin
Yes my starter won't start this mornin'
Somethin' must be wrong with my little machine
You know my starter won't start this mornin'
Somethin' must be wrong with my little machine
Mechanic say "Your car's all right like
You just been burnin' bad gasoline."
(My starter won't start this mornin', Lightning Hopkins, 1969)

I am awake at 6am

I wished my partner ‘Happy Birthday’, sent a nice note and GIFs, then realised that it is tomorrow. She didn’t say.

I am listening to some old black bluesmen, on Youtube, in tribute to the Black Lives Matter movement, and thinking about all the negativity coming out of the West right now.

I deliberately breakfast in my little allotted room, to save money, even though I would really, really like a Flat White. Ah the sacrifices we all have to make.

Expatgo asks the valid question to the Malaysian Government …"Why, despite all the publicity, has the government decided to send a message that expats are not valued?”This is in response to Malaysia still not allowing people with legitimate working visas back into the country to reunite with love ones, and/or work colleagues. People and companies who have, in the past, invested in Malaysia may think twice before doing so again, especially when Malaysian politics means that democracy no longer exists and the country is currently run by a junta.

I have just returned from Thai Huot Market having bought, amongst other things, some ginger strips to liven up the pot noodles for lunch.

I spend most of the day working on The Blue Lotus. There is so much to do. Although this next issue needed to be out now, because of the pandemic situation, and I away from my files and templates for the magazine, I am having to design it from scratch. The research and writing I had done for this issue remain in Kuala Lumpur. Still, many artists have been supportive of my efforts, and in a week or so I should be able to put out something.

Pot noodles again for dinner. No bean sprouts, no ginger this time, but cheese squares instead. But before dinner I eat the two small tubs of yogurt and some jackfruit. What an exciting life, not.

We shall see what tomorrow has to bring for this now quite weary traveller. But whatever it brings will have to involve a big Flat White coffee.

Today's spend
Thai Huot Market….Dasani Water; Fresh Khmer Jackfruit; Lipton Yellow Label Tea; Fresh Ginger; Chicken Egg Banana; Globe Milk Whole Milk; Milk Soft Bread and Dutchie Mixed Fruit Yogurt x 2.


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