Monday, April 5, 2021

May 7th (2020)


May 7th
I'm awake by 06.59am

I've just tried to get the URL to the PDF of Wassily Kandinsky's book 'Concerning the Spiritual in Art',  which is legally free to download. Using this  (Samsung Edge 6) hand phone I cannot. I'll use the midi Mac next door, as soon as I'm fully awake.

I had posted some images on Facebook, a small collection pertaining to art of a spiritual nature. As I'd done this, I simply wanted to add that URL so that  visitors could find, and hopefully read,  the book. But it was not to be. This is where I miss my iPad Air, or indeed the Lenovo 'Think Pad' that I used in Dhaka. But then, I thought that I'd only be away for four days. Ha, ha, bloody ha.

Okay, 07.21 time to make the bed, then for ablutions and breakfast.

Breakfast is taken in the room. The last dregs of the Khmer palm sugar, with the Irish butter and almost stale bread, with the usual 'Red'. Which I was lucky to make earlier.

Of course it would help if we had electricity. The power is off and on today, bewildering the poor little computer before me. No electricity, no computer, no internet. No work. Of course, not to mention no fan and no air conditioning. The shower room has no window, and relies on electricity for the obvious. So it is, right now, an adventure going to the toilet. Seeing only by the light of  this small screen.

This small screen (on the Samsung) is really beginning to annoy me, and I find myself constantly re-typing. Grrrrrr. Still, when you have no choice because you stupidly dropped your main writing device…….

But, don't you find it odd that the predictive text thingy completely ignores some wrongly spelt words, and corrects others?

Lunch and dinner are practically identical, save that dinner has the plastic squares of 'cheese' with the Soto Ayam Pot Noodle,  cucumber and tomato.

And, somehow, I have survived yet another day. But I have to confess that the days and actions segue into each other and I have to check which day it is. I was surprised to see that today is Thursday. I thought it was Wednesday. Only Monday, Friday, Saturday and now Sunday have meaning for me.

And so to bed.

I read in bed, as has been my habit for a very long time. These days I have only my book for company in bed (*sigh*). This time I've been very fortunate to be able to read a very interesting Sci Fi detective book by J.D.Robb, called ‘Naked in Death’. It’s the first of her Lieutenant Eve Dallas series. I had read her latest book ‘Golden in Death’, and became hooked, then I wanted to start from the beginning of the series, to see how that character develops.

Back in the early 1970s I had a long spell reading ‘Crime’ and ‘Thriller’ novels. I had been ‘into’ authors such as John Creasey, and loved the Father Brown books by GK Chesterton. Dorothy L Sayers and Agatha Christie never really captured my attention, but I did like Adam Hall’s (pen name of author Elleston Trevor) Quiller spy novels. And many, many others.

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