Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Ad hoc diary entries April 13th 2021. Stigma

It is Siem Reap, Cambodia, we have suffered two deaths from Covid 19, and the number infected has almost tripled this year.
It has been some while since I wrote my little opinion piece about the 'broken' 100 dollar bill. I have been, I thought, very careful about my acceptance of North American currency ever since. I check each bill to see how badly it is scuffed, whether it is torn or has minute holes, like the last incident at the pharmacy where the shop assistant yelled 'broken, broken, it is broken' at me in front of a shop full of customers. That particular bill had small staple holes. I've not been back since.
Today' after lunch at Wisely Coffee and Bakery' I went across the road, as usual, to buy a plastic bottle of milk, some yogurt and Lipton's Yellow tea. I tendered a 20 USD bill. The woman, who was normally all smiles at my regular custom, became a dragon. She thrust the note back at me 'cannot accept, cannot accept. I calmly took the note, checked it for holes or tears. It had none. I explained this as I handed her back the money. 'There' she pointed. It was a small mark of pink.
Caveat emptor, or buyer be very aware when accepting North American currency in Cambodia. The list of reasons not to accept dollar bills here is growing. Perhaps it is time to change entirely to Riel (local currency) even though receiving thousands of Cambodian Riel is most disconcerting and difficult to keep track of.


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