Tuesday, April 6, 2021

June 23rd (2020)


June 23rd

Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards.
(Soren Kierkegaard)

I am here 100 days.

Whoo Hoo (or not) 100 DAYS

I am awake at, approximately, 6am.

I’ve showered (and breakfasted) here at Colors of Cambodia and am trying to get on with some work, however…...


The constant drilling and banging from next door make it impossible for me to get on with The Blue Lotus. This issue of the magazine falls further and further behind schedule, and is one of the many casualties of this pandemic.

According to Kory Floyd, a professor at the University of Arizona, I have what she has called “skin hunger", or the missing of human touch. Professor Floyd suggests that we may compensate for that lack of touch by fantasising about previous encounters. She mentions that dwelling too much on past good experiences is "detrimental to our ongoing wellbeing". Ah!

Existence weighs heavily today.

I give up trying to be creative amidst the constant clamour, and take myself out into the hot sun. I walk along Central Market Street until it meets Road 63, cross over and enter Asia Market (supermarket). I've come for Babas Meat Curry powder. I'm happy to find it, but there's only the larger packets (250g). Never mind, at least I can get it there. Neither Angkor Market nor Thai Huot Market has Babas so I count myself lucky. But Asia Market doesn't have prepacked collections of cut vegetables. Whoops, that means walking over to Angkor Market.

Angkor Market only has two selections. Both seem to be for 'Suki hot pot'. The 'Suki' is in fact short for 'Thai Suki' which, in turn, is the Thai version of the Chinese 'hot pot', which is thought to have orginated in Mongolia.

The cheaper packet doesn't have the small satay sticks. I opt for that and cook a small hot pot when I get back for lunch and dinner. But, before I do, there is…

The strange incident of the bare-chested man.

I am waking down Oum Khun Street. It is hot. I am hot. All of a sudden, a white man completely bare of chest with his head shaven comes profusely sweating towards me. I hope to turn invisible. In England and in Europe men bare of chest and head are referred to as 'skinheads. My experience tells me that skinheads are to be avoided because they look for trouble and are frequently violent. I didn't look to see if his footware included the infamous 'bovver boots'.

I am not invisible. 

Said sweaty man elicits
 "do ya speak English"
"A little" I say as an irony in my English accent.
"Doyaknowwhere Central Market is".
I proffer a suggested route.
" Fanks".
Then he says, a mite condescendingly,
"There, your English is perfeck."
"Thank you, I was born in London".

I offer to his disappearing back, only to remember after, that I gave him directions to the Old Market. I hope that's what he wanted to go.

Today's spend

Asia Market...Baba's Meat Curry powder $2

Angkor Market..Vegetable Suki set; Potatoes; Ground Turmeric; Schweppes Tonic Water; Chilli Powder; Dasani Water and Yellow Split Peas…$8.05

Total spend….$10.05

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