Monday, April 5, 2021

May 18th (2020)


May 18th
64 days and I’m still here!

And the good news is……
“PHNOM PENH (Reuters) - Cambodia’s last patient with the new coronavirus has recovered and left hospital, leaving the Southeast Asian country with zero cases, the health ministry said on Saturday, while urging continued vigilance.”

However this does not help me in getting back to Malaysia.

Today I continue my email chat with a writer friend in Malaysia, comparing personal stories.

Breakfast is a banana sandwich, using up the last three small bananas, and a ‘Red’.

I am working online, getting Asian artists to contribute to the Special Covid 19 issue of The Blue Lotus while, simultaneously, researching for this afternoon’s Art History class. Busy, busy, busy….

Lunch is a cucumber and tomato sandwich with butter, and a cup of Lipton's tea.

The Art History class went well, with questions on Chinese Ink Brush work. The first hour we looked at Modern and Contemporary Japanese works  including Tadanori Yokoo and Yayoi Kusama. Then onto Modern and Contemporary Chinese works, looking at the New Literati movement then in the second hour onto overlooked female artists through the centuries. All in all a good two hours using YouTube for illustration.

Dinner is pot noodle with celery, cucumber and tomato, with plastic cheese.

I resisted going out today, so will have to buy provisions tomorrow.

I am tired this evening, so a quick read to finish the book, then sleep.

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