Tuesday, April 6, 2021

July 24th (2020)


24th July

Day 132

I awoke about 7am this morning.

I didn't really want to go out, but I did out of necessity. I needed water and I needed to withdraw from the ATM. Which I successfully did.

Asia Market was expensive and didn't have what I wanted so I walked back to Thai Huot Market. I bought Kellogg's Cornflakes and pro bio yogurt and one or two other things and walked over to the Khmer fruit shop to buy two different types of banana. Then sweated my way back to Colors of Cambodia feeling 'done in'. I'd had yogurt, tea and banana for breakfast and the rice congee for lunch. Luckily I just escaped the tumultuous rain. It's now a daily occurrence.

In between times I rested.

The Friday 'Project' went okay, but I was/am tired. Dear Kosal brought a small plastic pot of mixed meat congee for my dinner. It was much better than my cooking.

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