Tuesday, April 6, 2021

July 13th (2020)


13th July

Day 121

I awoke around 7am and lazed for a while. Over breakfast of toast, butter, marmalade and Lipton's Yellow tea I did some YouTubing for this afternoon's class.

When I came back from Thai Huot Market with ingredients for my lunch and dinner (pork mince, fresh yellow noodles and bak choy) there was a new student drawing under Phany's tutelage. She's a Chinese girl, an online teacher, who is also locked out of her country, and had been in Myanmar. We spoke for a while then I had to cook my lunch and eat before class.

It was Cambodian and Malaysian art this week. I was happy to show the teachers the Soka Gakki exhibition with Phany's works in. We also talked about the conservation of works, not leaving watercolours in daylight, protecting oils with varnish etc. All in all an interesting session.

Phany took photos and after class dear Salone helped clear up.

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