Monday, April 5, 2021

June 1st (2020)


June 1st
78 days here

There is a great deal of negativity sweeping across the white world, primarily from those countries which have inept governance and high pandemic mortality rates.

The Cummings incident in the UK has sparked fresh negativity, while in the USA yet another black death at the hands of white police has sparked protests and rounds of violence.

Facebook is simply dripping with negativity, and echoes mainstream media in this. Facebook ceases to be a refuge, and has become a reflection of the anger and negatively of societies believing that consumerism and materialism are normal.

People continue to face the unknown with mounting death rates. The frustration of ensuing poverty and severe disruptions to normal life patterns boils over into fear based actions. Some pray, others revolt.

We all need to stay focused, stay positive, and survive our personal battles one day at a time. While remembering the past is necessary as a clue to learning, and planning for the future, in moderation, is necessary to pay bills etcetera, living in the now is essential for our mental health.

I take breakfast at Common Grounds and, missing a certain someone, I have the ‘Breakfast Burrito”, only there are two and, with the fried ‘chips’, is remarkably filling. I also have a large Flat White, which is delicious.

I shop at Thai Huot Market, and buy a pair of scissors so that I can trim my beard. The scissors cost about the same as having one haircut, here in Siem Reap. I feel much better now that I have cut most of that heavy facial hair off.

I’m going to take a rest.

Today's spend
Common Grounds….Breakfast Burrito and Large Flat White……$9.50

Thai Huot Market…...Myojo Soto Ayam x4; Maped Scissors; Coca Cola x2; Tomatoes; Cucumber; Bean Sprouts; Dutchie Mixed Fruit Yogurt x2; Arla Burger Slices and Milk Soft Bread.

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