Monday, April 5, 2021

May 16th (2020)


May 16th
Awoken at 02.15am by the continuation of Friday's partying. My mind is fully awake, and I fear that I will be tired later today.

One hour later and I'll do some reading in the hope that might lull my brain a bit. I'm currently reading my third book in the Eve Dallas Sci Fi detective series.

I will try to sleep again.

I am bleary eyed but awake.

Today the Khmer Times reports….
"Cambodian Movement for Health who said that “the government needs to consider a temporary ban on all forms of alcohol advertising and sales to prevent the [COVID-19] virus from spreading in the community through gatherings." This will cripple numerous businesses if it goes ahead. Businesses which still have not recovered from the pandemic.

Breakfast is three small bananas and a mug of 'Red'.

It's immensely interesting to see the young artists' progress with their canvases, as I walk through the downstairs gallery. Phany has all but finished her large canvas, while others are in various stages of completion. I hope that they are all finished by the time that I leave.

This sodding app. just crashed three times before this. That makes it difficult for me to remember what I wanted to say.

Ah, yes. I have just received a nice e-mail from a fellow writer expat. We have been in contact for fifteen years now, after first meeting at a mutual book launch in Kuala Lumpur. But we have never really formed close ties. Perhaps that is my fault. However it is so nice to be in contact outside of Facebook, which is all very superficial. He is much more prolific with his fiction than I am. But I do what I can.

Lunch is the sheer delight (I’m being sarcastic) of pot noodles with bean sprouts (bought this morning), cucumber and tomato. I have never been known to like eating the same thing repeatedly, but when you have no choice…….. 

Distance instruction is certainly not the easiest of occupations. It needs so much more concentration than being face to face with people. Still, somehow, I have managed.

I smell cooking. I am hungry. I really do wish that the under-the-stairs compartment, which is used as a kitchen, was bigger. I really do miss being able to cook for myself. It is not only a joy but a necessity. I have a very long list of things that I want to cook when I get back ‘home’, from ‘English’ type food, such as ‘Shepherd’s Pie ' and some very simple fried pig’s liver with mashed potatoes, peas and gravy. I also want to cook some Catalan and Spanish cuisine that I have been following on the internet. Curries too. I miss my curries, and ‘Curried Chicken Wings’ baked in the oven, and...and...and. Big *sigh*.

Today's spend….
Thai Huot Market….Myojo Soto Ayam x4, Dasani Water, Globe Milk, Milk soft bread, Dutchie yogurts x2, Citra soap, Bean sprouts….$11.25

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