Tuesday, April 6, 2021

June 13th (2020)


June 13th
90days here

I am awake at 3am by music still blaring out. It stops only when it is sure that I am not going back to sleep.

So here I am at 3.38am. The music has stopped, and so has my sleep. Not funny guys.

Sunday's plans have changed. I have been requested to co-present a class on the art movement 'Symbolism' on Sunday morning, instead of cooking lunch. That should be interesting. Monday I will be presenting 'Modernist' architecture, including 'Art Nouveau' and Hundertwasser.

I'll read for a while now, and hope that I'll get sleepy.

I did sleep about 5am, and was awoken by hammering from next door at 7.30am. It's 8.12am and I have a headache and feel woozy. Thank you Siem Reap.

I'll shower etc and take breakfast and see what happens.

Breakfast is toast etc etc etc.

Between breakfast and lunch I prepare for the Sunday class, putting together a slide show which I convert to a PDF and send to the necessary recipients.

My Saturday 'Project' goes well, and dinner is a cheese, tomato and mayo sandwich. Exciting huh!

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