Monday, April 5, 2021

May 8th (2020)

May 8th
Today I am up at 5am, don’t ask!

I have quickly, but accurately, shaved, showered etc etc etc, I have even made a cheese and tomato sandwich with the last two slices of stale bread (and butter, and cheese and tomato of course). I’ve made a ‘Red’, and finished the lot as I was writing this morning, and now I am considering another ‘Red’, because I can. Lunch will be at Common Grounds. They have a new menu and I’d really like to try it providing, of course, that the multiverse agrees and doesn’t put any more ridiculous obstacles in my way, like turning off the electricity.

Okay, must get on. I have today’s ‘Project’ to prep for.

Prep done, and I looked inside my wallet, decided against Common Grounds, I have, instead, bought pot noodle for a third of the price, which gave me extra money to buy a hand of bananas ($1.50). I was eyeing a bowl of couscous, but it needed a microwave. Yes I know that I can make plain couscous with the addition of hot water, just like the noodles, but I would need to buy extra flavouring.

Lunch, well, I decided to save a little money and have the pot noodles for lunch. Dinner I will take soon, having just finished my Friday ‘Project’. 9.18pm.

The supermarket has most of the ingredients for Sunday's Spaghetti Bolognese, except the minced beef. So I am seeking Phany's help. And Phany suggests going to the Angkor Market, which is twenty minutes walk away. I think that I will investigate further.


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