Monday, April 5, 2021

24th April (2020)


24th April
Today I am up at 7am

Phany has provided fresh bed linen, so I have changed the bed, and swept the room. Hero or what? Okay, so it’s taken a month to do so, but it’s done, okay?

It seems to be a truism that these pandemic days encourage creativeness, but they also encourage stupidity.

If you have, for whatever reason of your own, been tempted to boil milk in a kettle, think again. Yes you can boil milk in an electric kettle, providing it’s not one where you can see the element. You can, but that doesn't imply that you should. I did. I wanted to have hot milk with my very dry bread from yesterday. It worked. However it has taken me half an hour to clean the burnt milk from inside the kettle. I’ll pass on this next time.

I’ve posted my little pieces on Facebook and my ‘blog’, and washed and cleaned the breakfast dishes. Now I have a heavy head.

And so back to bed.

Waiting to use the communal ‘Mac’, to prep for tonight’s ‘Project’. It’s crazy, because I have three computers sitting idle in Malaysia but only this old iPad Air and the small Samsung phone to work with here.

I have just managed to complete my prep for tonight, talking about quarantine, lockdown and how it feels. I’ve uploaded to WhatsApp ready for tonight. Yippee.

Time for pot noodles.

I rested. About five o’clock there was a knock at the door. Actually I wasn’t sure if I imagined it or not, so I didn’t respond. Later, when I had properly awoken, I went to the shower room (it’s silly to call it a bathroom. There’s no bath). On the way back I saw a tray on the table in next room. The room with the Mac computer.

I guessed what that knock was, dinner. I turned my hand-phone on, and, lo and behold, there was the message...
 ‘Good evening PaPa😁 I have kept the dinner for you on the table outside your room. please enjoy your dinner 😄’

Well, what can I say? I am bowled over by the generosity of these young people. I am saved from Pot Noodles and plastic cheese. Instead there are about a million cooked and uncooked Cambodian veggies, some of which I don’t even know the names of, cooked fish which has bones like the Bangladesh hilsa fish but, again, I don’t know the name of it. Dessert is the same as before, a set pandan and mango jelly x 2. I confessed to being stuffed full of veggie. My blessings to my friends here.

This evening’s ‘Project’ went well. We ‘talked’ mostly about being ‘Locked Down’, the things they can and cannot do, and what they think about that. Strangely enough they all agreed that the ‘Lock Down’ was an entirely necessary process towards wellness. My words not their’s. I had expected some dissent, but there was none. They were all very level headed and practical.

At the mid hour of night, when stars are weeping, I fly ...
(At the Mid Hour of Night, Thomas Moore)

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