Sunday, April 4, 2021

Sacked! (2009)


When I complained that my weekly articles were not appearing in 

The Malaysian Insider, as agreed. 

This is the response I recieved. 

Dear ....
, I have been regretfully assigned to advise you that it appears that The Malaysian Insider is not the right fit for you. I am sorry you feel that we have wasted your time when we do not publish your column on Saturdays... as a news site, it is the call of the editors and management as and when to use what articles they see fit for a certain day. Perhaps it is best that we part ways while everything is still amicable. We would like to thank you for contributing and wish you all the best in the future. All payments outstanding will be cleared as soon as possible. We will be uploading your latest soon, as it is about Merdeka. Thank you and regards,

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