Monday, April 5, 2021

April 30th (2020)


April 30th
I'm awake at 6am, and using my hand phone to write. It's not easy as my fingers are big, and my eyesight is not good. But it makes no sense to write with analogue as I then have to rewrite to post online.

As if you didn’t already know, but Facebook is great for triggering memories. Today, looking at a ‘friend’s’ post, I am reminded of the singer Tracy Chapman. I skip over to YouTube on a musical journey which ultimately includes Tracy Chapman, Melanie Safka and Pearls before Swine. Those were the days of Roger and living in Westbourne Grove, of International Times and free concerts in Hyde Park. Heady days of kaftans and headbands. Days of a certain someone whom I have never forgotten over years and lovers inbetween.

Then, because Hariharan is on my Facebook list, I begin to listen to AR Rahman and his film music on YouTube, posting some of my favourites. Yes, I also listen to Indian popular music, as well as classical, occasionally, eclectic me yah!

Now back to Common Grounds, and I the only customer. I order a bacon and cheese bagel and a large flat white.

Excuse me for one moment, I have an ant on my glasses. Yes, now I have to wear my glasses to write. The ant is optional.

I guess that, by some standards, I've got it easy. I'm in a country where we can still wander around freely. I have friends who house me with no complaint, even feed me on occasions. Sufficient eateries are open as are food emporiums. I count my blessings. Yes, there are uncertainties, but the one constant in life is change.

I am reminded of the ‘I-Ching’..
"Everything flows on and on like the river. We can appreciate the changes taking place in nature, while wholly unaware of our own mutability."

Jim Morrison too..

"Free fall flow, river flow
On and on it goes..."
(Yes, the river knows, The Doors, 1968).

However, Martin Heidegger (and yes I did three years of philosophy and got an Hon. degree too), challenged...

“Anyone can achieve their fullest potential, who we are might be predetermined, but the path we follow is always of our own choosing. We should never allow our fears or the expectations of others to set the frontiers of our destiny. Your destiny can't be changed but, it can be challenged. Every man is born as many men and dies as a single one.” there's a thought.

I'm on my second flat white.....

Again, looking at the (very) young women here in Common Ground, I am reminded of 'Death in Venice', and a Platonic Agape appreciation of beauty. Beauty as an abstract, as an enduring 'Form' in Plato's  'Symposium'.

Common Grounds flat white coffee is a very good laxative. Maybe a little too good.

I have to dash out of Thai Huot Market, shopping in hand, rush back to Colors of Cambodia, smile quickly at a questioning Salone, rush up the stairs, divest myself of my clothing as the shower room floor is always wet, and dash to the loo wearing a towel.

Dear Phany brought up a wonderful, tasty, avocado which I made sandwiches out of, and some durian that I have not tasted yet. She really is kind and thoughtful.

I rested, and a song leapt into my head, so I scrambled to write it down. Just a bit of fun really, a pseudo 60s love song.

I'm not really motivated to do anything today and hsve spent far too much time mock communicating on Facebook.

I am, perhaps, half way through my time here and already sinking into apathy. I hate to say that I am bored, but I can feel it at the edge of my consciousness.

Today’s spend
Common Grounds; bagel and flat white x 2……$10.25
Thai Huot Market; Bread; Myojo Pot Noodle x3; Tomatoes; Dasani Water and small Cucumbers…….$7.50
total $17.75

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