Monday, April 5, 2021

May 1st (2020)


May 1st
Mayday, Mayday, Mayday it’s the first of May

Wiki, the not too reliable, pedia mentions that today is…..

‘International Workers' Day, also known as Workers' Day, Labour Day in some countries and often referred to as May Day, is a celebration of labourers and the working classes that is promoted by the international labour movement which occurs every year on May Day (1 May), an ancient European spring festival.’

I woke up at 6am, this morning.

I am still trying to get out of bed but, in my defense, I have listened to AR Rahman’s Silk Route album, and watched a PBS documentary on the Chinese artist Ai Wei Wei, on YouTube, while still in bed. I am slowly getting used to looking at the small screen on my hand phone, instead of the iPad Air. I did the same in Dhaka, when I left the iPad in Malaysia.

Breakfasting is writing this on the midi Mac, in the front room, eating a banana sandwich and drinking ‘Red’. One benefit of using ‘Google Docs’, is the handy ‘Document Outline’ which shows my writing on a day by day basis, allowing me to jump to the right day, instead of having to scroll through.

Phany has given me a small jar of Cambodian palm sugar and some more avocado. Just what I need. She really is kind and thoughtful. I really am most grateful to Phany, the students here and to Colors of Cambodia as a whole for allowing me to take shelter here whole the viral pandemic sweeps across the world.

I have put together material for tonight's project. We will work on Jack London's Call of the Wild, reading and listening to the audio book. It is very good that some classics are available as free downloads. There is a wealth of material on Jack London, downloadable resources too. Certainly enough for my purposes.

Later Phany had left me some leaf wrapped rolls of rice with what tasted like a banana mixture inside. Phany said that her mother made them. I couldn't decide if the rolls were sweet or savoury, but nice either way.

So we slip into May.

Spring, is soon to be Summer. Though, of course,  here we talk of Wet or Dry seasons. The end of June should see the end of the Dry season, usually , but the seasons know no boundaries.

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