Monday, April 5, 2021

May 4th (2020)


May 4th
'Nobody told me there'd be days like these
Nobody told me there'd be days like these
Nobody told me there'd be days like these
Strange days indeed -- strange days indeed'
(Nobody told me -John Lennon, 1984)

I awoke this morning at the ungodly hour of 3.30am, or thereabouts. I forced myself to go back to sleep, and slept until about 7am.

Still feeling like the day after the night before with this mild headache, without alcohol, must be dehydration. For some unknown reason I’m not drinking as much water here as I do in Malaysia, and my alcohol intake has dwindled to nil (most probably because of the cost). It’s a bit sad to be celibate and dry.

So, with a weary head, I start my day with shower room ablutions and a bread, butter and palm sugar breakfast with the usual ‘Red’.

I’ll go out for lunch and get the things I need.

Meanwhile I research for this afternoon’s presentation - non-European ‘Modern’ artists.

Having weighed up the options, and this is something I do most days, I am back at Mama Shop ordering pizza again. This time a Pizza Rustica, otherwise known as a Pepperoni Pizza, with slightly spicy salami and thick mozzarella cheese and no tomato base.

You see, the alternative is to buy and cook, and clean. I am limited to frying or boiling. I could go to KFC or Burger King, but choices there are limited. I could go to Common Grounds, but it’s better for breakfast. Lastly there is The Hideout but of them all Mamma Shop, if I order pizza, is better value.

Here there are two customers. Me and a strange looking woman, like some deranged Yoko Ono, sitting diagonally to me. The day is hot so I welcome the air conditioning. Meanwhile the pizza has arrived. I struggle to finish, but there again it is intended to be a two-in-one meal. It is a heroic struggle too, slowing towards the end as each slice gets smaller until the crispy crust is left to crumble onto the plate as I finish eating.

Before I leave, the place has filled out and is almost full inside. I am not surprised as the food is excellent and the service is good.

Our Modern Art class went well, with students actually asking questions and taking notes. One student's question actually diverted the class to talk about Surrealism, so I had the opportunity to show them two short videos on the subject.

Had a little cry when listening to George Harrison sing 'all things must pass'. A tear for my predicament or a tear for George, I'm not sure, maybe both.

Dear Phanin sends up a bowl of noodles and egg. Both sisters are so thoughtful. I shall miss them even more when I have to leave Cambodia.

Obviously my time is not yet up. I had started to choke on a small piece of plastic in my food. It had gone into the upper part of my throat, and stuck. Honestly, as I choked, I thought 'this is it' I shall die in Cambodia. But in time I managed to dislodge it, and was saved.

Today's spend is
Mamma Shop Rustica Pizza...$8
Thai Huot Market...$12.60 (500ml coca cola; Schweppes Tonic Water x2; Arla Burger Slices Cheddar Taste; Arla Organic Milk; Cucumber; Dutchie Mixed Fruit Yogurt x2 and White Board  Markers x2.

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